Joe on the Go – HuNu Collapsible Mugs

Joe on the Go – HuNu Collapsible Mugs

Environmentally friendly, compact, and practical!

These collapsible silicone travel mugs are handy for travel and also can be easily stowed on board without much space, when extra mugs are needed!

Savvy Communications

Savvy Communications

Secure Phone and Internet Solutions

For Savvy Sailors, nomads and others traveling around the world, what are the options and some tips for staying connected, safe and secure while on the go?

Cruising Cards

Cruising Cards

What they are and why you need one!

A cruising card is like a business card in that it introduces you and provides your essential contact information. It’s also one of the best ways to build up your network and let people know you’re interested in crewing!

Brewing on Board or on the Go

Brewing on Board or on the Go

Compact coffee systems by GSI Outdoors

Brew on board or have Joe on the go, these handy and compact coffee-making systems travel well and stow equally neatly on board with limited space.

Savvy Packing List

Savvy Packing List

A guide to what to take on your sailing adventure

Getting ready for you sailing adventure and not sure what to take? Here are a few tips and then a list of items you might use as a guideline for packing.

You’ve Got Mail!

You’ve Got Mail!

Savvy Mail-forwarding Solutions for Nomad Sailors

One of the pure joys of being a live-aboard or nomad sailor is having the freedom to be anywhere in the world, meander at will (weather permitting), and be from life on land… mostly. There are still “life maintenance” items that need to be attended to even if we do not have a land-based nest.