Cruiser’s Carrot & Quinoa Salad

Cruiser’s Carrot & Quinoa Salad
Like many cooks there are some specialty items I love to have available in the galley. For me pickled lemons are a versatile treat, ataste explosion of salt and sour that adds much depth to salads. One jar will travel a long way with you and doesn't need refrigeration: sometimes just alittle of the 'juice' augments a salad dressing. This salad combo came together one day with what I had onboard. On some of the remote islands of French Polynesia carrots are the only vegetable that arrives on the supply ship. Quinoa is one of those nutritious grains that a lot of cruisers provision with but rarely use. I occasionally cook a few cups of quinoa and store it for a few days in the refrigerator while thinking of ways to use it. As always with boat galley cooking, substitutionsmust often be made if recipe ingredients are not available. I believe adaptability makes us more creative cooks and happier cruisers.
- 1 cup cooked quinoa
- 2 medium carrots grated
- 1 cup last night's leftover tuna pieces or canned tuna
- 1-2 tbsp preserved lemon and juice
- 1 tbsp fresh ginger grated or finely chopped
- 2-3 green onions finely chopped
- 2 tbsp olive oil
- salt & pepper – season to taste