My Love of Sailing
I am sailing around the world. I have now almost completed a circumnavigation, but won’t stop once that’s done. It may be a significant milestone, but certainly not the destination… it’s my life, my journey, my passion, and my dream, all at once. My happiest memories from childhood were cruising with my Grandparents on their powerboat, which is how my love of living on a boat began and sailing as a lifestyle rather than simply a hobby took root. This is a unique path, something unusual and a bit out of the ordinary.
My Adventures Afloat
I’m now in my mid 60’s and I’ve been a full-time live-aboard, cruising “nomad” and ocean dweller since 2012. I sailed part time for an additional 8 years prior to that while still in the thick of my workaholic, high-energy and high-tech corporate career. It was at the end of 2012 when a relationship ended and I was devastated at the thought that my dream of cruising the world was over, that it actually began. Another Savvy Sailing Girl, a friend who lives with her husband on their boat in Alaska, gave me a swift kick in the “stern” (figuratively and literally, if virtually). She told me to put my name on some crew lists and get back out there sailing. Thanks Frontier Frannie… great advice!
Before I knew it, I was crewing on a sailboat in Mexico and reclaiming my dream. I then met someone on a crew-finding site and we sailed together for more than 4 years and over 13,000 miles. Following that, I was happily crewing… I have sailed on several boats, sometimes for weeks and more often for months, joyfully working my way west and enjoying the journey… sailing wherever the winds and inspiration took me.
Throughout my years aboard, I have learned a lot… gathering pearls of wisdom from skippers and other crew members with each and every experience on board, and also from the many other cruisers I have met along my travels. Heartfelt thanks to all!
My next adventure has just begun, sailing indefinitely with my sailing soulmate and partner Wim on the lovely Dione IV. We’re starting in Wim’s home port of Amsterdam in Europe and sailing off into the sunset, far and wide. Check out our website Dione-IV.com to follow our adventures.
Why Savvy Sailing Girl?
In recent years, I have had many people ask about my travels, wanting to see photos and hear about my voyages. Non-sailors have inquired how this or that worked, and sailing wannabes questioned me on how to find boats and stay safe. Almost everyone encouraged me to either write a book or start a blog so they might follow me along my travels, be inspired, and learn about the sailing/cruising/crewing life. When I closed the doors of my consulting firm in early 2020, the time was ripe for Savvy Sailing Girl to hoist her sails and venture out into the online seas. I still have much to learn and am not an expert by any means on many things, so bear with me as this is a work in process. I do believe I have some good savvy sailing wisdom to share and hope you’ll find some pearls here for yourself. Now, in 2024, you’ll find my adventures on the Dione IV website with Wim. Have a look!
Who is a “savvy sailing girl”?
She’s a confident, courageous and vibrant woman of any age, for whom sailing and/or adventure is a passion, regardless of experience.
That’s me, confident mostly and courageous though not fearless. I’m vibrant and adventurous with a passion for sailing and travel. I’m hoping to attract a community of like-minded women who will see themselves similarly, and as intrepid voyagers in life. It doesn’t matter whether you actually want to sail.
Inspiring and Sharing
Although I went for something a bit unusual, I hope my contributions and in-depth content will inspire and assist you in whatever path you choose. Through my cruising experiences, navigating life and love at sea, as well as expertise drawn from my life, education, and career in engineering, marketing, and management, my goal is to inspire and assist you to embark on your own next great adventure, whether sailing, cruising, or some other expression of joyful living.
Welcome to Savvy Sailing Girl!
And also introducing… Pierre Le Crabe and his friend Twinkle Little Starfish!