Hi! I’m Sher… Savvy Sailing Girl.
Sailing and cruising are my life, my journey, my passion, and my dream. I’ve been a full-time live-aboard since 2012 and sailed part-time prior to that. Throughout my years aboard, I have learned a lot… gathered some pearls of wisdom from skippers and other crew members, with each and every experience on board – good or challenging, and also from the many other cruisers I have met along the way.
In recent years, I have had many people ask about my travels, wanting to see photos and hear about my voyages. Non-sailors have inquired how this or that worked, and sailing wannabes questioned me on how to find boats and stay safe. Almost everyone encouraged me to either write a book or start a blog so they might follow me along my travels, be inspired, and learn about the sailing/cruising/crewing life. So, having recently closed the doors of my marketing consulting company, the time was ripe for Savvy Sailing Girl to hoist her sails and venture out into the internet sea and online community.
There are many sites out there trying to sell stuff, either directly or indirectly. This values statement is intended to make my ethics transparent, and prevent speculation about my intentions and recommendations. If you have any questions, get in touch.
Savvy Sailing Girl Core Values