Find resources here for helpful websites, tips, communities, other blogs, and good reference information.
Groups, Associations, and Forums:

Women Who Sail® (WWS) – Facebook Group
WWS Mission: Women Who Sail® is a place to come together to share insights, tips, questions, excitement, and most importantly support over what it’s like to be a woman in the boating world. We work hard to keep this very diverse group respectful, supportive, and on target.

Noonsite is a great resource for sailors, whether you are new to it or an old salt. It’s one of the first go-to resources for SSG when researching a new destination afloat. Noonsite’s main objective is to provide cruising sailors with comprehensive information regarding the necessary formalities, paperwork and costs for clearing into all countries worldwide, plus essential marine facilities in all ports. But also check out their resources section for a wealth of information on all topics cruising related.

The Ocean Cruising Club is a great resource for blue water sailors. To be a part of the OCC is to be a part of a group of people who have said ‘yes’ to adventure and who will welcome you if you choose to do the same. The sole qualification for Full membership, entails making a continuous ocean passage of at least 1000 nautical miles and Associate Members join aspiring to do the same and being inspired by those who already have.
A great article written for the OCC by my friend Nigel gives potential sailors some insight as to what it’s like to be crew, from a captain/skipper’s perspective. Read Seamanship of the interpersonal variety on the OCC forum.

The American Sailing Association® (ASA) is a great place to start learning to sail. Their mission is stated simply: to teach people to sail safely and confidently. At ASA, you’ll find every course you could want from the basics to the advanced.

The Royal Yachting Association is another great resource for learning to sail and much more, based in the UK. Their programs go from the basics through to professional qualifications. They provide practical and theoretical training courses, books, and DVDs from novice to expert level, in all boating activities.
Sailing Blogs:

Gone with the Wynns. Jason and Nikki Wynn are a delightfully upbeat young couple sailing and RVing around the world. Their website has lots of great content, videos, blog posts and helpful information to enjoy.

Sailing Totem. Totem is a 47′ sailing yacht. Her crew includes Behan, her husband Jamie, and their 3 children. They are well known within the cruising community worldwide, and it’s apparent why. They’ve sailed far and wide, and their website, “Sailing Totem” is full of great stories and valuable resources. They offer mentoring and coaching to anyone considering this amazing lifestyle and wondering how to realize the dream… especially cruising with kids, choosing the right boat, preparing, staying safe, and just getting a better understanding of what it’s really like. They have a wonderful and comprehensive list of Books for Cruisers, and also a great section on Ocean Awareness on their resources page, so do check those out.

SV Delos is one of the more popular sailing blog sites around. They have a great number of videos and travel adventures to share, as well as resources, all of which will give you a taste of the sailing life featuring their captivating “tribe” on board. If you’re up for an adventure aboard Delos, they offer opportunities, so check that out if you feel Delos and crew would be a good fit for you.

Sailing Britican is another nicely done blog, though like most others, they are looking to fill their cruising kitty through their website. That said, they not only offer lots of great advice and share their adventures, they also offer a week-long sailing experience on board. So if you’d feel more comfortable sailing with a seasoned sailing family, this might be a good option to explore.

Sailing Simplicity & The Pursuit of Happiness is another great site to explore. They have a wonderful documentary and they offer training through their Morse Alpha Expeditions that goes well beyond what most cruisers offer as an onboard experience.