You can take the Girl out of marketing, but you can’t take marketing out of the Girl. Savvy Sailing Girl has a passion for branding, marketing and creative design that needs to be nurtured. She’s not a knitter, painter or sewer, and she doesn’t do crafts or play cards. So what does she do? Well, in addition to being a Savvy Sailing Girl, she is a creative designer of graphics, brand identities and logos, messages and communications, websites, cruising/business cards and more. She’s not looking to start up a consulting practice again, but would be happy to work with you on some creative projects and/or coaching that will help you launch your own joyful life adventure.
Let’s Get Started
Do you feel that having a little coaching through the getting-started process of finding crewing/cruising opportunities would make you feel more comfortable than going it on your own? Would you like a helping hand in developing, writing, or editing your online profiles in search of the right situation, or another set of eyes to help evaluate the options? How about some design assistance in creating your cruising cards?… yes, dear ones, you do need cruising cards. Get in touch if you’d like to work with Savvy Sailing Girl and we’ll see what we can do!
The COVID Catastrophe – A FREE resource
The COVID Pandemic is bad enough and very scary as health concerns go; governments and individuals aren’t being smart and infection rates continue to spike. We can likely expect future mutations of the virus to hit causing more financial challenges and loss of jobs. In addition to the anxieties and inconvenience of sheltering in place now, the tremendous economic fallout has yet to be fully realized. Vaccines are being developed, but new strains may emerge causing future waves of the virus to hit. What lies ahead in terms of impact to businesses and what a “new normal” will look like is unclear.
So it may be that your next great adventure is career related, either by choice or out of necessity. In 2008, during the last global financial crisis, Savvy Sailing Girl found that her job in corporate high-tech management had suddenly been eliminated. Laid off… now what? She needed to find a new position, but companies were reducing work forces. She decided not to go after the same thing she had been doing previously, but to evaluate and reinvent herself. In the process, she discovered many things that she felt would be beneficial to others going through something similar and wrote a guide, so others might benefit from her experience. Perhaps, if you are in the same boat now, so to speak, this FREE e-book might be a useful resource. And, if you’d like a little assistance during your reinventing and personal branding voyage, Savvy Sailing Girl can help!

Laid Off… Now What?
How to navigate the rough waters and set sail to your next great career.
This is a FREE e-book you can DOWNLOAD here